June 04, 2005
Orthodox Secular Socialism
We need to view our current social conflict in a different light. It is a religious conflict. We do not need to take religion out, we need to add it in. We need enlightenment.
Continue reading "Orthodox Secular Socialism"
Posted by creagb at 11:41 AM
The Stakes: 5.5 Billion Dead
What does our enemy call 5.5 billion dead and 500 million impoverished and enslaved?
Four hundred years ago our world supported 500 million people. These 500 million lived mostly in small villages and tribes that were both self-sufficient and isolated. Today we support 6 billion. In these few centuries we have increased our population twelve times through the construction of a complex web of integrated activities that bind our health and wealth together.
Continue reading "The Stakes: 5.5 Billion Dead"
Posted by creagb at 11:21 AM
October 27, 2004
Just Cause, Honorable Service
I just watched "Stolen Honor."

Posted by creagb at 02:27 AM
October 22, 2004
Boat People, Reeducation Camps, Killing Fields

Posted by creagb at 01:11 AM
October 21, 2004
The Fundamental Human Dilemma

Posted by creagb at 05:28 PM